Release der Firmware 20180802


Nun ist es endlich soweit. Die Firmware in der Version 20180802 ist released. Dies ist die erste Firmware, welche das sogenannte „V2“ implementiert.

Macht euch vor den Update bitte einen Überblick, was „V2“ für eure Installationen bedeutet. Dies kann man anhand der sehr gut gelungenen Dokumentation im Wiki machen: KeyXchangeV2 – Freifunk Franken

Beachtet bitte insbesondere die Anleitung zum Update von Freifunk Knoten, was beim Update schief gehen kann und werft einen Blick in die FAQs!

Größte Änderungen auf einen Blick seit 20170918:

  • Code-Cleanups
  • Data processing notes
  • Update Tunneldigger (L2TPv3)
  • Batman Upgrade
  • Mesh über 802.11s
  • KeyXchangeV2
    • Hood übergreifende IPv6 ULA Adressen
    • Verbindungen zu dezentralen Hoods möglich
    • Eigene ESSID pro Hood
    • Macnocker ist Teil der Firmware
    • Config-AP eingeführt
  • 1043v5 Support
  • Unifi AC Mesh Support

Die Firmware befindet sich am üblichen Ort:

Sollten euch Probleme bei der Benutzung der Firmware auffallen, scheut euch nicht diese Probleme in den Bug-Tracker einzutragen. Dazu einfach einen Account anlegen und einen neuen Eintrag erfassen:

Ich bedanke mich für die vielen Beiträge und die super Diskussionen.

Unten, wie immer, das Shortlog.


Adrian Schmutzler (70):

 fff-nodewatcher: Use mac address instead of standard node name
 buildscript: Update LEDE and packages, use lede git mirror
 Archer C25: Update qca9887 firmware to 10.2.4-1.0-00029
 vpn-select: Use keyxchangev2data instead of fastd_fff_output
 Remove references to community.cfg
 fff-web: Show hood in public and internal web interface
 Configure the Node a routable IPv6 ULA
 fff-hoods: Fix fe80::1 for multiple configap interfaces
 fff-hoods: Fix case of missing keyxchangev2data
 Utilize PKG_NAME in Makefiles
 Revert "Archer C25: Disable 5 GHz to provide working firmware"
 buildscript: Fix typo
 fff-hoods: Use channel provided by gateway
 fff-hoods: Introduce sector files for custom settings
 fff-hoods: Use variables for hood file names
 fff-hoods: Use w5sta for download
 fff-hoods: Fix missing commit for hood name
 fff-network/fff-hoods: Create functions for IPv6 rewriting
 fff-web: Extend switch port assignment display in ports.html
 fff-boardname: Reorganize WR841 boardnames
 Add TL-WR1043N v5
 fff-network: Fix mac adresses not set during merge/rebase
 fff-hoods/fff-wireless: Don't delete WiFi devices
 fff-hoods: Suppress warning for missing sectorfile
 Support subtarget in buildscript
 fff-web: Fix style and XHTML conformity in upgrade.html
 show_info: Add assignment without switch
 fff-web: Show WiFi channels and SSID
 show_info: Display hood information
 Rearrange fff config values into their own config file
 fff-support: Update PoE passthrough code
 fff-web: Added options to disable update notification
 fff-web: Include new options into settings.html
 fff-web/show_info: Put common code into function
 fff-network: Fix second occurrence of ROUTERMAC and ETHMESHMAC
 fff-web: Allow minus (-) in passwords
 fff-network: Commit only network
 configurehood: Wait for the config AP to build when in sta mode
 configurehood: Prevent connecting two hoods
 nodewatcher: Provide additional information about WiFi interfaces
 LEDE: Go back to OpenWRT sources
 configurenetwork: Put One- and Two-Port pre-setup into function
 fff-network/fff-hoods: Only use MAC address in network lib
 fff-network: Calculate IPv6 using ROUTERMAC variable
 nodewatcher: Fix bugs in gateway list creation
 fff-hoods: Replace hiddenapflag by check for real conditions
 fff-sysupgrade/fff-hoods: Make sectorfile upgradesafe
 fff-hoods: Restart alfred after keyxchange file update
 fff-nodewatcher: Add detailed clients data
 nodewatcher: Provide data to calculate airtime
 fff-web: Fix two bugs in wifiscan.html
 configurehood: Improve conditions for configap setup
 packages/fff: Split fff-hoods into two packages
 fff-web: UPGRADE_PATH in header should be taken from hood file
 configurehood: Fix "wifi" blocking correct network status


 alfred: Support interfaces IDs with more than two digits
 Unifi AC: remove bs-partition ro-flag
 configurenetwork: Improve output when setting IPv6 addresses
 fff-batman-adv: Remove vis_mode from uci config
 Data processing notes: Add in fff-web
 Data processing notes: Add for SSH access
 hood files: Use more meaningful and concise naming scheme
 hood file: Use different files for www and for checksum


 configurehood: Only provide hood file from GW/KeyXchange via WWW
 hood files: Move files from /www to /tmp and link there
 configurehood: Don't remove timestamp for checksum comparison
 nodewatcher: Change mechanism for client device detection
 vpn-select: Demand hood file to be provided as argument

Christian Dresel (7):

 Update Batman to compat15
 Reconfigure fff-wireless for keyxchangev2
 Reconfigure vpn-select for keyxchangev2
 Add fff-hoods
 Add support for Unifi AC Mesh
 fff-hoods: Make possible to use fixed hoodfile
 Disable VPN if not in use

Fabian Blaese (12):

 Support batman-adv meshing over 802.11s
 consistently use same webserver port for hoodfile on wifi and lan
 fff-network: evaluate macaddress in device config
 Use SWITCHDEV variable for mac address fixing
 configurehood: Allow for spaces after identifier
 fff-network: Get MAC from wifi device instead of wifi network
 Revert openwrt patch which caused too high tx powers
 Move hoodfile acquisition into function
 Allow initial configuration from Ethernet
 Remove sectorfile for first release
 Add batman-adv patch to remove gw mode switch message

Robert Langhammer (7):

 fff-hoods: fix sed to substitute timestamp
 fastd: generate the key from urandom
 Update tunneldigger
 fff-network: correct path to iptables
 Update tunneldigger
 Remove double equals.
 Remove double square bracket. [[ is a bash or ksh built-in, and cannot be used in a #!/bin/sh script.

Tim Niemeyer (14):

 fff-hoods: only delete hiddenapfile if ap was configured
 fff-hoods: move hiddenapfile variable